Danubius Working Papers

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Frequency:  1 issues per year (September)
Print ISSN: 2668-2710

The review Danubius Working Papers is published in 2019 under the coordination of the Research Center "Theoretical and Applied Economics" of Danubius University of Galati, Romania has the mission to distribute the results of scientific research of Danubius University' students and master students.

The thematic studies will encompass the following domains: law, economy, psychology, international relations, and communication sciences.

DWP is a blind peer review journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. The scientific coordinator will be the first to analyze the paper.



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Vol 1, No 1 (2019)

Table of Contents


Maritime Law PDF HTML
Wakama Tamunodiepiriye

The Maritime Industry of Nigeria. Challenges and Sustainable Prospects PDF HTML
Alari Emomoemi Faith

Nigerian Shipping Industry and Trade PDF HTML
Stephanie Odubo Ebiere

The Challenges and Prospect of Maritime Industry in Nigeria PDF HTML
Ephraim Stephen Nsan-Awaji

Stabilirea și Colectarea Creanţelor Fiscale PDF HTML
Daniela Pohrib

Ultima Criză Economică Mondială și Paradoxul Numit România PDF HTML
Andrei Mihai Tatulici

Impactul Metodei de Evaluare a Stocurilor asupra Rezultatului Financiar PDF HTML
Gabriela-Ramona Cocindău (Ivașcu)

Țigara Electronică, Refuzul, Mitul și Pericolul Real pentru Concurență PDF HTML
Andrei Mihai Tatulici