Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 6, No 1 (2012)

Some considerations about ,,languages games” in Noica’s view

Livia-Ionela Baciu


        In this paper, I make an analysis about the language in Noica view. I aym to find some correlations in Noica's analysis with the ,,languages games" of Wittgenstein. First we will emphasize the fact that some Noica studies fits into the hermeneutics side, for example in the trilogy Words together about the romanian utterance, Noica analysis the meaning and the semnification of some romanian words.We reconigzed in the interpretation of Noica some similarities with the Wittgenstein points of view. The resemblance between the two thinkers consists in the fact that they introduced some grammatical concepts in the presentation of their analyses. So this will be the most important part of the paper, so we will try to reveal the point in which meet the two philosophers. We will also reveal that Noica uses in his analysis, words from the lexical old fund, which allows us to recognize his qualities as an hermeneut. Like a conclusion the most important item in this paper will be the ,,language game". as a link for our correllations, regarding the words and their importance in interpretation.



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