Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 6, No 2 (2012)

The Conradian Vision of Time

Marian Sebastian Lupu


Abstract: The study deals with the understanding of Conrad’s use of temporal coordinates contextually in order to extrapolate a paradigm of Conrad’s own intentions and aims behind each and every temporal variation in the unfolding of the action of the text. Therefore, the element of text is paramount in the analysis of Conrad’s works due to the fact that tales, stories, novel-like confessions and every piece of writing make use of the concept in question to express ideas, feelings and so on. The textual analysis will consider the manner in which the elements of text as sentences, paragraphs, even a string of words interact to render the Conradian sense of time which shapes out a symbolic meaning of the artwork. What the research strives to express is pretty simple: to explain why Conrad chooses a complex and, at the same time, intricate temporal development in his works and to what purpose.


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