Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 6, No 2 (2012)

Didactic Communication and the Curriculum

Mirela Arsith


The hypothesis which we assume is that the management of the curriculum is a coherent and unified whole of principles, functions, strategies, criteria designed, integrated and contextualized in such way that it would determine the achievement of the aims of quality standards of various degrees of generality. In our approach, we propose as basis the constructivism, a theory of scientific knowledge, which is applied to learning problems, characterized by the following key ideas: our mind is real; the essence of the study represents the mental events; knowledge is dynamic activity; learning represents a natural consequence of performance; teaching is a process of negotiated construction of meaning; the knowledge process core represent soling problems. What we want to prove is that a competency-based curriculum is appropriate for achieving the aims of education.


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