Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Interpersonal Personality Type as a Result of the Manifestations of Ethnic Groups Individuals from Dobrogea
The Romanian people, especially ethnicbelonging of the people was one of the people subject to the proletariandictatorship, which has claimed over a long period study in this area. Inthe last decade we are witnessing a revival of studies on ethnic groups inRomania. This is due not only progress and the spread of democracy, encouraginglinguistic, but also some deeper theoretical perspectives on diversity ofethnicity seen as opposed unification that could bring world economicglobalization and scientific and technological. Ethnicgroups, social organizations with specific characteristics becomes morepronounced as, the strongest influence their component elements (organizationsand institutions) and through their people. Differences between ethnic groupsbecome noticeable if we refer to the organization and functioning of familiesin urban and rural communities, ways to produce goods or ways to spend yourfree time. The difference of the ethnic groups, however, does not stop here.They are obvious and if it investigates the ways in which group members analyzeand interpret them. Byhow they are managing their own ethnic groups, rules of internal organization,the statuses and roles of men, the ways in which they are sanctioned adversebehaviors and encourage behaviors that may be favorable, the illustrations andpictures about them, they generate especially the people involved in theiroperation, ethnic organizations causes people to act as their members, maintainself-awareness and ethnic groups to preserve. Currently in Romania live, learn and work together membership of severalethnicities such as Romanian, Hungarian, Saxon, Székely, Bulgarians, Armenians, Russians, Turks, Tatars, Roma, Macedo and so on, each with its own culturalparticularities, characteristics known little or unknown to others.
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