Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
“Let Make a Few for Children Not Yet Born, As Well As For Us”
Green Marketing
Daniela Ecaterina Zeca1
Abstract: Adapting the economy, so that progress does not damage the environment this is essential for quality of life. Economic development involves structural and qualitative changes in the national economy and people's lives. Both growth as well as economic development have had as a result the disruption and destruction of the earth's natural systems (Brown, 2011). Green Development, is generally distinguished from sustainable development, considered to be a safe keeping of the environment over economic and cultural contexts (Comşa, 2011). The overall objective of sustainable development is to find an optimal interaction and compatibility of four systems: economic, human, environmental and technology in a dynamic and flexible operation. The optimal long-term development corresponds to those that can be supported by these four systems. Expressed goals, and solutions identified in this paper under green marketing imperative are: promoting agricultural production mechanisms integrated in EcoAgroCluster, models types based on the maximum use of natural resources and production elements to develop sustainable green agriculture. Promoting educational processes in order to develop and enhance the creation of new sustainable agricultural enterprises integrated in EcoAgroCluster that are orientated on sustainability and qualitative and quantitative reintegration to ensure the change of generations, in terms of quality and quantity, in food industry and agriculture. Goals and solutions for future-to incorporate in activity of EcoAgroCluster: tools, case studies of best practices derived from agricultural research paradigm shift in order to strengthen and honor the role of businessmen in agriculture, business entities, cooperatives and other employment entities transformation, distribution and marketing of agricultural production, upgrading and promoting operational cities.
Keywords: eco-integrated economy; eco-rural economy; ecosanogenesis; ecoagrocluster
1. Introduction
Term sustainable development was first used in 1987 by the President of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland, at the drafting of the report entitled “Our Common Future” in which sustainable development was defined as “development that meets the needs of the present, but without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Though environmental concerns have older roots, only in 1970 the European Commission stated for the first time in an official statement to the Council, the need for a Community program for the environment. Since then, seven action programs were developed on the environment problem, in 1973, 1977, 1983, 1987, 1992, 2001, 2013.
They express a genuine commentary “philosophy” regarding environmental protection and enhancement and they establish a timetable for action. These documents are not legally bonded and they make up only political statements that show targets, according to a precise timetable.
The first four action programs provided a vertical and sectorial approach to ecological problems. During the period when these programs were developed, at Community level 200 legislative acts were adopted related to limiting environmental pollution, the introduction of minimum standards, particularly in the areas of waste management and water and air pollution. Thus, it showed the integration of sustainable development among the Community missions and environmental protection was elevated to the highest priority.
The fifth Environmental Action Programme, “Towards a sustainable development”, stated for the period 1992-2000, a new Community strategy regarding the environment and actions taken in achieving sustainable development. The program established a European strategy based on voluntary action that marked the beginning of a horizontal Community, taking into account all polluter factors (industry, energy, tourism, transport, agriculture) and established four important issues that should be subject to action international scale: climate change, ozone depletion, reduced biodiversity and deforestation.
The “Environment 2010 programme: Our Future, Our Choice”, establishes objectives, deadlines and priorities, priority axes, strategic environmental approach at European level, and has four priority areas for action: preventing climate change, protecting nature and biodiversity, dealing with environment and health, natural resources and waste management. A new element is the policy of integration products. It is aimed at developing a market with organic products that respect the environment throughout their entire life cycle. Although concerns in this area were older, only at the Göteborg European Council in June 2001 they agreed on a strategy for sustainable development that provides a third environmental dimension to the Lisbon strategy and establishes a new approach to the policies.
By 2050, Europeans will live a good life, while respecting the ecological limits of the planet. This is the view expressed in the Seventh Environment Action Programme of the European Union, PAM7, which was adopted in November 2013 and will guide the policy in 2020.
On that horizon human prosperity and healthy environment should be anchored into an innovative circular economy, it is not wasting anything, and the value of biodiversity is fully recognized and protected.
Growth will be based on energy use so as to minimize emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), and natural resources to be used sustainable- a green global development model.
PAM7 lists nine priority objectives. Three of them cover areas of action: nature protection; more efficient use of resources and creating a low carbon economy; protecting human health against environmental pressures. Four objectives focus on measures that they can take, the EU and Member States to achieve these goals, and the last two are horizontal objectives aimed at improving the urban environment and global cooperation.
The overall objective of sustainable development is to find an optimal interaction and compatibility of four systems: economic, human, environmental and technology in a dynamic and flexible operation. The optimal long-term development corresponds to that which can be supported by the four systems. Minimum requirements for achieving sustainable development include:
resizing growth, given the emphasis on the qualitative aspect of production;
elimination of poverty in terms of satisfying basic needs (jobs, food, energy, water, housing and health).
According to the theory of H. Vancock, sustainability is a process that covers the development in all aspects of people's lives, while making economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity, however realizing technological development. Green Development is generally distinguished from sustainable development, considering the environmental sustainability as an economic and cultural contexts over (Comşa, 2011).
2. Eco-integrated Economy, Eco-rural Economy
Eco-economy has an increasingly important role in sustainable development, the need to ensure equity between generations, but also within them. According to eco-economic paradigm, a green economy is dependent on ecosystems resources. A tremendous challenge for our generation is to design an eco-economy that respects the principles of ecology. A reconstructed economy will be integrated into the ecosystem in a way that will stabilize relations between the two ensuring continued economic progress. Economy and ecology are currently two almost incompatible disciplines, which are based on contrary assumptions: while economists see explosive economic indicators, ecologists see an economy that adversely affects the environment and climate - with unpredictable consequences. Thus, economists and environmentalists must work together to design and build an eco-economy, ensuring both economic progress and future conditions of human existence (sustainable development). Lester R. Brown believes that eco-economy can be achieved with existing technologies, provided that the total cost of communicating market products and services purchased, saying such ecological truth. Regarding the latter, Oystein Dahle, President of the World Watch Institute, made the following remark: “Socialism collapsed because it did not allow prices to tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it does not allow prices to tell ecological truth2.”
To achieve economic growth, Europe must not compete with emerging economies by reducing labor costs or reducing social protection, instead, the key to competitiveness is to create an economy where knowledge and innovation are the main tools that provide integrated nature. This requires greater investment in research and development and measures to ensure that research results needs to be turned into innovative products and services transnational to achieve a sustainable society, Europe must provide a larger and multi-skilled workforce. This can be achieved through skills, training and encouraging lifelong learning. To achieve sustainable 2020 Europe, it is shown in PAM 7 documents, that an integrated economy must be created, to achieve a sustainable society and building a green economy based on green power. Eco-economy and green economy solutions to the current crisis can be multiple and simultaneous (Bogdan, 2011). Eco-economy that is not true therefore should not be considered a mathematical summation geographical or spatial-economic annexation and surrounding nature, and ecological economics
Learning and applying the concept of eco-economy lead to the formation and development of thinking, training and development of new forms of culture, training and development of new forms of social conscience and individual scale- society. (Fig. no. 1).
Figure 1. Eco-economy
3. Bioeconomy
Evolution of the biotechnology industry and its application in agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, human health and different industries helped to develop the concept of “bio-economy”, which integrates all economic activities derived from scientific and research activity focused on understanding the mechanisms and genetic and molecular processes and their application in industrial process. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen developed this concept (Toba, 2013).
The concept of bio-economy was promoted for the first time by an academic renowned person - dr. Antipa (1867-1944), who was the first Romanian hydrobiologist ecologist and author of the concept of biosociology, dioramas inventor, founder of the museum with the same name, promoter of important fisheries laws and conventions on the Danube and the enhancement of the natural treasures of the Danube Delta. Gregory Antipa had notable scientific contributions, developing a biological conception of modern, interdisciplinary elements (biosociology, ecology, bio-economy). Antipa is considered one of Europe's top ecologists, being among the few who noticed the importance of the environment in the life of every being. In line with ecological principles of Haeckel, the fundamental law of biogenesis, Antipa has developed a plan of rational exploitation of fisheries in the Danube Delta, meadow and the woods, which doubled in ten years the production of fish and caviar without destroying the environment and especially fish breeding sites (Comşa, 2011). A number of other studies on the biology of the Lower Danube and the Danube Delta culminated in the work „Bases biologique du mécanisme de la production des eaux du Bas-Danube”.
The evolution of scientific knowledge, human DNA decryption code, decryption of the human genome, cloning, production of tissues, organs, made room for innovative biotechnologies that may accompany and potentiate the revolution of self-reproductive information such as computers, but also the economic revolution “will there ever be need for money?” in an integrated, bio-economic manner.
According to Strategy 2020, the EU wants to develop a smart, sustainable and integrated economy. These three priorities must support each other and be able to help the EU and Member States to achieve a high level of labor employment, productivity and social cohesion. Following discussions between the European Technology Platforms (European Technology Platforms, ETPs) resulted in a White Paper which promoted the concept of integrated bio-economy by showing how it can respond to economic and social challenges for 2030 and developed a set of recommendations. There are six major challenges that the world faces today.
These challenges can be overcome only by applying bio-economy and bio-integrated rural economy (fig. No. 2). The latter aims to create opportunities for jobs by developing bio-regional economy, efficient use of sustainable livestock through traditional products and bio-mass conversion in fuel and electricity3.
Figure 2. Integrated Bio-economy and socio-economic challenges
4. Ecosanogenesys
Since ancient times, man has had concerns for understanding the natural environment, being at first interested in the exploitation, after which, in recent decades began to be concerned about environmental protection and thus the people. Applying this expression is possible only through the existence of a healthy person in a healthy environment. Hence the need to unite into a single concept of human health with the environment. By merging the terms “organic” and “sanogenesis” B. Cotigan used for the first time Ecosanogenesys terminology. This concept involves complex relational concept man - nature - society –culture, material and spiritual. Ecosanogenesys refers to workplace, health, consumers and the environment. Concerns relate to the implications of this field of technology, biotechnology and various products on human health. The objectives of this concept of ecosystem management aimed obtaining quality products coupled with requirements. These objectives take into account the interests of consumers, producers and the environment, issues raised by the principles of eco-economy. Ecosanogenesis requires the development of a product to become a concern of the entire society, not just a small group of producers, leading thus complex and integrated term eco-development. Ecosanogene products as a result of Eco development are those products which are not obtained in all conditions, in specific periods of boom, transition or confusion, but is achieved through a human-centered approach and its requirements, for present day and for the future. Such products are eco-farms, animal products and phytoproducts with high quality (Pârvu, 2011).
In accordance with the concept of “Ecosanogenesis”, technology must be adapted to the needs of society, ensuring a bio-economical balanced for long-term. In this context, an important objective is to promote ecosanogenesys biotechnology to obtain products that have the effect of supporting human health, animals, plants and the environment. These products must be green, unpolluted and clean, the most important being biofood and biofeed with complementary nutritional and therapeutic preventive effect (Danciu, 2005). Ecosanogenesis objectives can be achieved through correct information to the general public by specialists, supported both by education in the spirit of the requirement of quality goods, which do not affect the environment and human health, and by the development of integrated environmental policies. (Fig. 3) The concept of eco-bio-economy is “economy of the future in the service of human life through the rational use of environmental resources”, with the main targets of sustainable development, integrated development environment health and human welfare. This tryade that characterizes an integrated multipolar approach promotes green power integrated smart and sustainable development (fig. 4) (Cioceanu, 2010).
Figure 3. Measures to achieve the objectives ecosanogenesis
Development of Eco-Bio-Economy (fig. 4) provides the opportunity to apply the two possible directions of approach, Eco-Bio-Economic Security and Eco-Bio Management, to ensure Intelligent Sustainable Development.
Figure 4. Integrated Ellipse Eco-Bio-Economy
Source: (Comsa & Bogdan, June 2011)
5. EcoAgroCluster- Sustainable Development and Green Marketing
Ecosanogenesys concept revolves in a relationship all around human actions, specifically on how man interacts with refractive medium such as: nature and society, material and spiritual culture. Ecoagriculture, the system uses biological methods of fertilization and pest control methods that allow the replacement of fertilizers and pesticides, which are considered by proponents of ecological methods as harmful to health and the environment, and unnecessary for successful cultivation. This way of doing agriculture was initiated as a conscious rejection of modern chemical agriculture techniques in the 1930’s by British agroeconomist Sir Albert Howard. Various organic materials, including manure, compost, lawn grass, straw and other crop residues, are applied on the ground to improve both soil structure and ability to retain moisture and nourish the earth, which, in turn, nourishes plants. Protection against pests is achieved through prevention methods, including diversified agriculture, crop rotation, planting deterrent pest species, and the use of their integrated management techniques. Strains results as bioengineering products are avoided (Zeca, 2012).
5.1. EcoAgroCluster Philosophy
EcoAgroCluster architecture will be based on quality, safety, sustainability and resource efficiency implemented in the production process such as water, energy, human capital. EcoAgroCluster will promote multi-functionality in agriculture as a source of wealth, development, spatial and environment planning. EcoAgroCluster will coagulate, in a synerigical manner all the actors, public and private research centers, companies, professionals, financial entities, associations, cooperatives and individuals involved somehow in farming and implement a series of measures to create networks.
Primary purpose will be to manage efficiently all activities related to sustainable agriculture research and the entire production-consumption chain. EcoAgroCluster is designed as social infrastructure, financial, business, technological, administrative, legal, operational, and not least of educational- research.
EcoAgroCluster architecture is based on a network of entities involved, in one way or another, in research, production, distribution, promotion-education in terms of consumption of ecoagrofood. This will have a number of priorities as a basis. Establishment of agro-industrial infrastructure of socio-economic development and enhancement of action groups focused on revitalizing territories, creating synergies between entities involved for the production, promotion of eco products. Must be change the paradigm so on to strengthen and honor the role of businessmen in agriculture, business entities, cooperatives and other entities work of transformation, marketing and distribution of agricultural products. Modernization and promoting operational cities. Promoting integrated agricultural production mechanisms based on full use of natural resources and production elements to ensure, for long-time, sustainable agriculture. Incorporate process and procedures, knowledge, tools and case studies of best practices derived from agricultural research in all stages of production of EcoAgroCluster.
educational processes to develop and strengthen these actions to
foster the - production sectors were disadvantaged both the processes
of restructuring the labor market and / or traditional cultivation
system and other uses of land.
In food and agriculture
field it should become an ideology to make the generation change,
both qualitatively and quantitatively (Zeca,
5.2. Architecture of EcoAgroClusters
EcoAgroClusters are associations of persons or legal persons, which are grouped into a new legal entity to resolve common needs for research, supply, storage, marketing, processing, and social needs. Persons or legal persons maintain their total independence of production activity.
Association idea is not new, nor obsolete.
The association of individuals has emerged and developed in Europe over 150 years. Robert Owen (1771-1858) gave the first definition of cooperatives two centuries ago. On the basis of their association, smallholders make ownership of production units and agricultural farm, homestead, tools that provide the non association conditions only domestic consumption. It follows that these are legal entities, established associations of owners of production units and a quality that fully preserves after pairing, which is associated with other partners to solve common problems. Not every person can associate to form the cluster. These people should have:
the same quality in combination;
the same interests;
agree seven principles upon which it is built ecoagrocluster.
Associating a cooperative formula has been compromised in the collective mind of formula that existed in the former socialist countries, hence the fear people have, to further associate, preferring to work the land with rudimentary means. This situation led to the impossibility of holding financial means to enable them to do peasant agriculture performance storage means and distribution and promotion of products. Small manufacturers have become very vulnerable, and resources held by each hand instead contribute to shape a sustainable agri-food sector, the vulnerable this vital sector of the economy. The definition of cooperatives as a general or specific organization (for various business objects), is found in a long series of research concerns in various compendiums, dictionaries and clear in the legislation. Definition cooperative given by Centenary Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in 1966 is much broader, general, allowing inclusion in international structures in a cooperative diversity of legal entities: The cluster is thus an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet needs and aspirations of economic, social and cultural institutions through a jointly owned and systematically controlled unit. In EcoAgroCluster, members have to establish an endowment so that each of them will hold shares in proportion to the contribution. Each member, regardless of the number of shares held, shall have one vote. The loss of the member, former member of the cluster or its successors, receive a divisible part of the value of the share / legacy, the other part remains indivisible cooperative development. Without the support of the authority coherent state support of public authorities converted ideology embodied in laws, tax measures and measures consistent, dynamic, but widely known effect on the time horizon, this type of organization cannot effectively coagulate natural resources, financial and even the willingness of small producers. The advantages of such an approach, in my view, would be:
ecoagroclusters use efficient, sustainable local resources in their activities such as earth, raw materials, labor, utilities, otherwise, in a fog manner, they all would fall in output logic of self-consumption;
ecoagroclusters provide a volume of products to cover internal and external market demand (eco) AGROPROD, benefiting from modern technology and the latest research results;
organizing ecoagroclusters legal status as platforms and governing body and control, gives certainty to be serious paying taxes;
ecoagroclusters interest groups may be eligible to vote, improving cluster by providing pertinent observations within it, speaking as one self.
ecoagroclusters may benefit if motivated by mutual activity. -in ecoagrocluster treatment is discriminatory in application of the general economic policies. Inspired by the seven cooperative principles, associated cluster members in a new legal entity (fig. no. 5) called ecoagrocluster to showcase their production units: supply rhythmic, raw materials and products of good quality, lowest price, access to research results, marketing specialist services for identification and customer loyalty, correct assessment of area, volume and structure of eco products, storage in silos production of cereals, vegetables and fruit warehouses, cold storage, processing mills, slaughterhouses, dairies, canned drinks, recovery of fresh fruit and vegetable production, financing and developing mutual social activities aimed at community and individual needs (Zeca, 2013).
5.3. EcoAgroCluster Principles
EcoAgroCluster is based on ethics and transparency in decision making, responsibility and interest to members and society. The cluster principles could be defined according to those of cooperatives, under article 8 of Law 566/2004 and Article 7 of agricultural cooperatives, paragraph 3 of Law 1/2005 on the organization and operation.
Voluntary and open association. Voluntary organizations, made up of people interested and able to use their services and willing to assume membership without discrimination of sex, race, political or religious affiliation. EcoAgroClusters are legal entities permanently open to any interested person who satisfies the conditions and commits to comply with the statutes of the organization. Democratic control of the members.
EcoAgroCluster is a democratic organization that has controlled members. Those elected in different executives or representative positions are accountable to members. Members have equal voting rights (one man one vote) regardless of the amount of capital held in the cluster. Economic members participation in the capital will significantly boost the EcoAgroCluster cluster, which is divided into shares. Members, depending on capital contributions cluster have a certain number of shares formed as indivisible and divisible. The loss of the member, former member or his heirs are entitled to receive amounts equivalent to the number and value of shares divisible. Part of the capital of the former member (from individuals) remains to develop cooperative.
Figure 5. EcoAgroCluster- association with legal personality
The cluster must have a positive balance. It is directed to:
members, depending on the number of shares held in the form of dividends;
cluster development;
rewarding members and employees in relation to their participation in cooperative activities;
research and marketing support.
Autonomy and independence. In any relationship with other clusters, companies, state or the increase of capital from external sources, control of all operations will be strictly applying as the principle of transparency in democratic decision making, keeping EcoAgroClusters autonomy so that mutual principle is not affected.
Education, training members In EcoAgroClusters there must be concern for education, training and information to members to form a base to ensure executives. Education, training and information to stakeholders effectively, enabling consumption ecoagrofood growing interest in low-income countries and to keep motivate consumers in Western countries. (Law 566/2004).
Representation of EcoAgroClusters. EcoAgroClusters are local or regional entities. To be represented at higher levels of decision they will be organized in the structure of regional, national and international higher association with non-profit nature of representation. Producers and processors organized in ecoagroclusters will allow them to do research and market modeling for quantitative dimensions and to analyze benefits on models covering the market with statistical surveys undertaken by researchers. On the basis of a final report of marketing research, manufacturers will be delivered to export or domestic market with maximum efficiency. Small households so grouped, will be part of statistical research and will be part at the research results.
Statistical research will target both market structure and deliveries analysis.
The concept of close contact between the consumer and the producer back a long way. Increased market demand, increased economic interests to production and increasing the distance between producer and consumer have led to the introduction of external control and certification procedures. Checking organic management system is an integral component of certification. Procedures of operator certification are based primarily on a yearly description of the agricultural enterprise, prepared by the operator in cooperation with body checking. Similarly, in the processing, they develops standards for verification and processing operations factory condition. When the verification process is taken over by a certification body or authority, it must clearly separate the verification of the certification. To maintain integrity, certification bodies or authorities which evaluates and certifies operator's procedures must be independent of economic interests relating to the certification of operators. Except for a small proportion of agricultural goods firm sold directly to consumers, most products are sold through commercial channels established. To minimize deceptive practices in the market, specific measures are required for efficient verification and processing trade enterprises. Thus is regulation of a process rather than the end product claims. Responsible action by all concerned, very likely a EcoAgroCluster type organization. Import requirements should be based on the principles of equivalence and transparency. A representation of information flow in an organization which respects the principles of bio-eco-economy, as proposed to be EcoAgroCluster, is reproduced in fig. no. 6. Inputs on production take into account biodiversity, health and rural development. For this purpose agricultural production using biotechnology “green / blue”. The processing stage biotechnology are used “white”.Ecoagrofoods meet nutritional outcomes and associated standards of bio agro-food. The result of these processes “green / blue / white” is in accord with the concept “Fork to Farm”, leading to welfare. This research contributes welfare Life sciences and biotechnology results, all in a relational system type, cybernetic feedback loop. The challenge of quality assurance, traceability is thus likely to be achieved. In the absence of an ideology, discussions and academic studies remain a pragmatic point of view, but no effect. Stakeholder framework for the organization of ecoagrofoods in EcoAgroClusters would make it possible, in Romanian agriculture, and sustainable development of all branches involved on horizontal and vertical. (Zeca, 2012).
Figure 6. EcoAgroCluster integrated resource and agricultural production in a sustainable formula
In the context of globalization on production inputs and circuit ecoagrofoods products are multiple, from financial accounting, data legislation, economic, engineering, management, marketing and not ignore the ethical aspects. Changing economic conditions and environmental induce farmers two types of risks: market risks due to price and production, risks due to climatic conditions and the health and diseases and pests in plants and animals. Rural development has become the key to restructuring the agricultural sector by encouraging innovation in this area. For countries whose residents have low incomes and have sprayed fields, a situation that fits and Romania, marketing ecoagroproducts major producers would not be rewarding. Marketing toolkits will have in this case adapted to boost small producers that wish to meet in clusters, to produce eco and export. Export of ecoagroproducts expected rate would provide input, and small plots of land used as superior land. To address foreign markets, producers and processors in Romania and those like them must be supported by coherent and permanent decisions. Organization in strong ecoagroclusters could ensure a stable legal framework, sustainability actions throughout the chain from research, education, production, reuse / recycling of waste materials, to distribution, promotion and sale. Organizing producers and processors in ecoagroclusters, will allow them to do market research and dimensional modeling and quantitative analysis models concerning the scope of the market and statistical survey, marketing research based on a final report will allow them to export or to supply on the domestic market with maximum efficiency. Only those grouped in clusters small households will be part of the research results. Statistical survey will cover: design market analysis supplies products, modeling decision to market a new product, phenomenological extrapolation. Such analysis and information drawn, have a great importance in the diagnosis of local markets, regional or national consumption, production, econometric representations, the factors determining the demand for consumer goods and functions production, financial and banking relationships and their representation by equations.
Producers and processors being organized in ecoagroclusters, they will be able to address issues regarding cause-effect relationships, not only empirical, not only based on intuition.
A differentiated approach is necessary for countries whose residents have high incomes. Evaluating to consumption growth strategy will consider developing effective marketing tools such as educational programs to train, from early ages, future consumers. These programs should address all the issues that revolve around the production and consumption of bioproducts. Green Marketing directly involved in social responsibility may be an appropriate response to environmental and consumer expectations component of sustainable development strategy. Environmental and behavior consciousness are formed from school, but also throughout life and that is why, in all countries should develop educational programs to train green conscience, as the premise of environmental behavior, green conscience consumers, ecological behavior of consumers, green conscience of the company. Green marketing strategies, which must address those ecoagroclusters must be considered in the dynamic development of environmental management using theoretical tools on strategic marketing planning based on the company's green responsibility, ecological importance as a competitive factor, ecological competitive strategies, environmental strategies, competitive behavior, ecological strategies of timing, environmental marketing strategies oriented to public. Product policy, product life cycle approaches and strategies for green products.
Creating an internal market for XXI century, the resources must turn out as a multiplier of wealth, modernization and equilibrium, and it requires clear, stable environment so that consumers and producers, including children, to be creditworthy. From economic rationality centered on economic efficiency, they have generated strategies, concepts and models recognized by stakeholders to foster social and human rationality, ethics and responsibility (Zeca, 2012).
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*** http://www.businessinRomậ
*** Legea 566/2004 a cooperaţiei agricole art.8 şi art.7, alin. 3 din Legea 1/2005 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea cooperaţiei/Law no 566/2004 of agricultural cooperatives art. 7-8, paragraph 3 of the Law no 1/2005 on the organization and operation of the cooperatives.
1 Assistant Professor, PhD, Dunărea de Jos University of Galati, Romania, Address: 47 Domnească Str., 800008 Galati, Romania, Fax: (+40) 236 46.13.53, Corresponding author:
AUDC, Vol. 9, no 2/2015, pp. 96-113
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