Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 11, No 1 (2017)

The Pragmasemantic Analysis of the Correspondence between Mircea Eliade and Ioan Petru Culianu: The Proof of Unconditional Devotion and Circularity of Literary and Ontological Perspectives between the Master and the Disciple

Georgiana Claudia Mihail


 This article has the aim to show that there is a circularity of ideas shared by Mircea Eliade and Ioan Petru Culianu. Apart from the analysis of their scientific and literary works, the focus on their epistolary dialogues helps us identifying common beliefs and illustrates the process of writing books and articles by means of exchanging new and interesting ideas between the master Mircea Eliade and the disciple Ioan Petru Culianu. However, the master – disciple epistolary dialogue becomes an example that writers can follow whenever they want to realize monographs about Postmodernist writers. The article includes two main parts. On the one hand, there is the part concerning the analysis of the letters Mircea Eliade addressed to his disciple, the most relevant aspect being Mircea Eliade’s methodical optimism conveyed to his disciple  by means of their correspondence, and on the other hand, there is another part regarding the analysis of the epistolary texts Ioan Petru Culianu addressed to his master and at this level, what is very important is Ioan Petru Culianu’s follow of the initiation labyrinthic path shaped by his master. Moreover, there are various methods used in this article, written in accordance with Ioan Petru Culianu’s interdisciplinary aim, because it includes a pragmasemantic approach, by means of pragmatic deductions, inductions and inferences adapted to the context, combined with references to anthropology, history of religions and literary world.


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