Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 12, No 1 (2018)

The Implications of the Eastern Orthodoxy and Romania’s Geopolitics in the South - Eastern Europe

Angela Mihaela Ene


This paper proposes an analysis of the international relations promoted and developed by Romania in the geopolitical field from the perspective of historical axes of Eastern Orthodoxy. From a geopolitical point of view, the foreign policy of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe is part of a dynamics of changes, in the form of a metamorphosis of extremely rapid and versatile methods and instruments of action that, from our perspective, reveal the presence of new entities with an extremely important role in the Eastern European geopolitical scene, namely the Eastern Orthodox Church. Against the background of new socio-political and security changes at global and regional level, Romania is in the middle of a strategic macrothinking built by the great powers, for a horizon that involves only securing and developing the major interests that are a benefit to them. Thus, at this moment, the main religious dogmas of the world represent the factor with a double role in global stability and security. The role is twofold, since the effects generated can be both positive and negative. The novelty of this approach is the formation and coagulation of an Eastern Orthodox axis, which, through a paradigm shift, seeks to consolidate and affirm purely political and economic interests that are more of a state interest than the autonomous ecclesial entity. Under these circumstances, it is interesting to observe and pursue the process of involvement and fusion of the two entities, namely the Eastern Orthodox state and church, which normally just co-exist.


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