Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 12, No 2 (2018)

Albanian religious media in Kosovo and national identity

Rexhep Suma


Albanian religious media in Kosovo and nacional identity

Rexhep Suma (PHDc)*

*Rexhep Suma, PhD  candidate in University of Pristina (Republic of Kosovo), Philological Faculty, communication studies and journalism




The reason for choosing this theme is the subjekt of the fact that until today has not been an objekt of special study. Even in all studies of Communication Sciences, there is no study work that has conducted a thorough analysis of this religious periodical. Hence,this scientific paper seeks to fill this gap by analyzing its objective.This contemporary scientific topic remains closely linked to the current developments of the Albanian nation and Albanian culture, which is another additional reason for selecting this topic.The main goalis the objektive recognition of the role played by the pressand the religious periodical in terms of the rigat Islamic, Catholic, cultural, educational, social and nacional formation of Kosovo Albanians and beyond.

In the object of our study, the religious media in Kosovo have begun to emerge in 1970. On the part of the Muslim community; the "Edukata Islame" magazine was launched, followed by "Dituria Islame" by the Catholic community has emerged the magazine "Drita"  and the same year it also marks the beginning of the release of religious media in Kosovo after the World War II.

These media have played a major role in the treasur yo four nacional culture. They were strong tribune sofreligious spirituality; arts, philosophy, thought, education, etc., and as such, have marked an event for the Islamic and Christian movement ofthought in Kosovo, but of course also for the histori of the  Albanian nacional press.

Keywords: religious media, communication, identity, Albaniannation, tolerance.


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