Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 4, No 1 (2010)

Aspects of the Fantastic in Vasile Voiculescu 's Fiction Prose

Anastasia Dumitru


The problem of fantasticology has always fascinated and continues to be extremely
productive. This paper aims at discussing the meaning of the fantastic and tries to answer the
question, is the fantastic an aesthetic concept, or is it "a literary genre". Our conclusion is that
fantastic exceeds the bounds of the frontier, it is beyond the genre. The fantastic tends to translate a
spiritual necessity, being our compensation desires, the dissatisfaction and the conflict of any
category. The fantastic represents a way out from the daily automatism and the "terror of history."
The fantastic reaches the major anthropological and aesthetic fulfillment – including the world in its
indistinct global unity, by means of metaphorical speech, of the symbol and the mythical values. Even
if the Romanian literature has criticized the idea of not having fantastic vocation, however, writers
such as M. Eminescu, I.L. Caragiale, Mircea Eliade or V. Voiculescu, because of their short prose
fiction value, the fantasy literature confirms the fantastic route of the Romanian literature. Vasile
Voiculescu, the writer who was known as a talented poet, changed his literary development, making a
remarkable storyteller who uses fantastic diegetic formula. Vasile Voiculescu's fantastic texts propose
the contemplation of the existential meditation and important themes of the man's aspiration for the
absolute still trying to reveal the unsearchable mysteries of the infinity.


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