Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 8, No 2 (2015)

Reflections on the end of Cold War

Florin Iftode


The objective of our research is to point out some aspects of the context and the main causes that led to the reconfiguration of Europe after the fall of communism on this continent. Nowadays, Europe as a whole coincides approximately with the geographical Europe. There was never one Europe: since always, there has been and there is today more Europe, between them the border lines have varied widely. Our intention is to present some approaches from some well-known historians, marking the context of historical evolution of a European space which included major players in the conflict generated by the Cold War. The results of our research are focused on the last part of the paper. These findings highlight that the Soviets have shown more skills, and that they have won in some places, often in situations of incredible inferiority compared to the free world that did not know or did not want to exploit the advantages. Finally we conclude that the history of this continent, although the smallest of all, interests history in its universal resorts, as it has had the impact trully decisive on other continents, either by implantation which gave rise to new "Europe" either by requiring other nations through which the domination was exercised, its structures and ways of thinking and organizing economic policy.


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