
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

The journal does not have article processing charges or submission charges.

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

These instructions are designed for authors submitting final papers and should be read carefully. If they are not adhered to, it could result in delay in publication and/or in sub-optimal reproduction quality.


Abstract: The title of the paper has to be suitable, clear, concise and accurate. The abstract should have maximum 200 words and structured using the following sub-headings: Objectives (state the aims and objectives of the research, “What is it about and why is it important?”), Prior Work (What extant concepts, research, or experiences is the paper trying to build on? How does the paper relate to other research in this topic area?), Approach (What approach was used to capture the practical/research evidence? What were the main methods employed (e.g. survey, observation, case study), Results (highlight the key results and conclusions from the empirical studies, evidence or experiences presented; it ensures that results are clear, precise and justified), Implications (summarize the implications of the study for one or more of the following groups – academics, researchers, administrators of the university etc.) and Value (clearly state the key contribution of the paper and what is original or unique. Ensure that the reader is convinced of the paper's added value that it is thoroughly researched and is of high quality). The Detailed references to prior work are required in the paper but NOT in the Abstract. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references.

Keywords: Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords or short phrases, which are not contained in the title (Restricted to 20 characters each), separated by semi-colon (;)

JEL Classification: according to the JEL Classification System

1  Introduction (Times New Roman 12, Bold)

The guideline explains how to prepare your paper in printer-ready format for the Journal of Accounting and Management (JAM), so that its appearance is clear and consistent with the other papers in the journal. The paper must provide the details of the work to readers. It should be divided into sections, each with a heading, so that a reader can follow the logical development of the work.

The paper must give the clear answers on 5 - What questions:

1)  What is the problem (problem statement)?

2)  What have been done by other people (literature - critical overview)?

3)  What have I done (research course, method used, and technical solutions)?

4)  What are new (results)?      

5)  What to do as next (further research)? 

Final submissions not following the required format will be returned to the authors for modification and compliance. All scientific papers should be written in English or French. The abstract and the keywords must be written in English.

2.  General Organization of the Paper

The length of your paper should not exceed 6-10 pages.

2.1.  Layout (11 pt, Bold)

An easy way to comply with the review paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. Headers, footers or page numbers must not be included. The paper must be set as follows:

  • .docx/.doc format. (do not send the PDF version of the article)
  • A4 Format (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
  • Margins: top: 4.85cm, bottom: 4.45 cm, left and right 4 cm each.
  • Times New Roman fonts, line spacing single. The font formats are: paper title: 12.5 pt bold, capital letters at each word; author's name(s): 10 pt bold; abstract & keywords: 9 pt; chapter titles: 12 pt bold, capital letters at each word justified; subtitles: 11 pt bold, numbered, justified; text: 11 pt, paragraph Before: 0; After: 6), the content of the bibliography: 9 pt, justified

Avoid leaving a heading at the bottom of a page, with the subsequent text starting at the top of the next page.

2.2. Language, Style Spelling

  • Use common technical terms.
  • Do not try to create new English words.
  • Spelling: Follow Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Longman or Oxford Dictionaries, American/English Spelling

3. Publishing Steps

JAM is peer review journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

The publishing steps are explained at information for authors ( Please read carefully and follow the steps. VERY IMPORTANT: when subscribing an article for reviewing DO NOT WRITE the name or any other detail of the authors, only after being requested to subscribe the FINAL VERSION of the article then all the details regarding the authors should be included.

Questions? Problems? Please contact us at the following address: (we are ready and happy to help you)

Any additional information you can find on our official site:

3.1  Footnotes

The superscript numeral used to refer to a footnote appears in the text either directly after the word to be discussed or – in relation to a phrase or a sentence – following the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, or period). Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the normal text area, with a line of about 5 cm set immediately above them[1].

To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence). All footnotes must be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers) on each page. Keep footnotes to a minimum or else list them in a special section before references.

3.2  Citations and References

Whenever you refer to previously published work, you should set a reference to acknowledge the work you build upon.

References and citations should follow the Harvard System Convention an APA Citation Style. All references should be cited in the text. (Smith & Moore, 2008, p. 18). No numbers with or without brackets should be used to cite or to list the references.

3.3. Tables

All tables must be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers). Table headings should be placed above the table. Leave no blank line between the table and the caption.

Table 1 Table captions should always be positioned above the tables on the left

Heading level


Font size and style

Title (centered)

How to Write …

12.5 point, bold

1st-level heading


12 point, bold

2nd-level heading

2.1. Layout

11 point, bold

3rd-level heading

Headings ...

11 point, bold

4th-level heading

Remark.  Text follows …

11 point, italic


3.4.  Page Numbering

Do not add any text to the headers (do not set running heads) and footers, not even page numbers, because text will be added electronically.

4. Conclusion

Please read these instructions carefully. Prepare your paper and data exactly according to the instructions. Please present your results clearly in a logical sequence which supports the hypothesis/research target.

5. References

Smith, J. & Moore, R. (2008). Article Title/The English version of the title. Journal Name in italics/ The English version of the Journal’s name, Vol., No., (month & year of the edition) page numbers (first-last).

Smith, J. & Moore, R. (2008). Book Title in italics in the oringinal language/The English version of the book title. Location: Publisher.

Smith, J. & Moore, R. (2009). Article Title/The English version of the title. Proceedings of… in italics/ The English version of the Proceedings, pp. 1-10, conference location, year & month. Location: Publisher.

Smith, J. & Moore, R. (2008). Web page. Retrieved from, date: 09.18.2011


[1] The footnote numeral is set flush left and the text follows with the usual word spacing. The footnotes should include online sources, additional explanations, personal interpretations, etc.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in  Microsoft Word document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  5. DO NOT WRITE your name or affiliation on the actual paper, as you unable us to achieve the blind peer review process accordingly.

Copyright Notice

The author fully assumes the content originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.