The Journal of Accounting and Management, Vol 10, No 1 (2020)

Prevalence of and Factors Linked to Occupational Stress in Public and Private Organizations in Kosovo

Sejdë Tolaj, Ymer Havolli, Gent Beqiri


Stress is emerging as an increasing prob lem in organizations and companies over the recent decades. Despite the awareness on the risks associated with occupational stress, the growing number of literature on stress, so far no empirical research was done to study the prevalance of stress and associated work stressors of employees in Kosovo. Through quantitative research, this study sought to provide scientific contribution by examining the prevalance of stress and by identifying factors that cause stress among public and private sector employees. Findings revealed a relatively high prevalance of occupational stress among emplouyees, where responents with 1-20 years of work experience reporting being significantly more stressed than those with more than 20 years fo work experience. Moreover, reselts showed that stress adversely affects job performance of employees with 1-20 years of work experience as well as of female employees. stressors pertaining to demand, control, support, relationships, role and change were identified to be causing occupational stress among employees, all showing positive significant correlation with stress. Furthermore, both public and pirvate sector employees considered similar factors as stressful, even though public sector employees reported experiencing slightly higher levels of stress.


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