Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 8, No 3 (2012)

Comparative Study of the Local Collectivity in the European Administrative Space

Alexandru Dana Georgeta


The topicality of the theme is based on the need of an unitary research on the local collectivity issue with the objective of highlightening the necesity for standardization and adjustment to social and economic realities inside the european administrative space. Given this objective we propose to realise a comparative study of local collectivities skills in Europe, to identify their relationship with the State. Hence the timeliness of this research in the theoretical plan, therefore the following are necesary: establishing the place and role, definition and identification of its legal nature, emphasizing key features of the functions and criteria in relation with the State. Our analysis will consider the categories of local collectivities elected for representation and the diversity of european experiences, regarding the local administrative device -organizatoric forms, in federal states, decentralized unitary states and unitary states partial or non-centralized. The paper will be structured into three parts so that the study will begin to clarify the notion of competece, then determining the place and role of local communities-we will identify common features and criteria for their differentiation.



Full Text: 51-62


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