Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 7, No 2 (2011)
The „Collateral Estoppel” Theory in International Law
The objectives of the article are represented by the fact that the interdependence of the two legal orders, internal and international, refers to the fact that, international law without internal law signifies federalization, which the contrary situation signifies the impossibility of establishing an international community. The rules of international law are applied to national court according to national constitutions and for domestic purposed. According to the theory of the act of state, even if it would seem that, at least internal acts of implementation of international rules are subjected to internal jurisdictions, the resolutions implemented often touch the problem of security and public order that escapes the judicial competencies. But, sometimes, the refuse of controlling the resolutions of the SC has been justified according to the UN Charta supremacy. In this case, national courts have been in the position of interpreting the CS resolutions. In conclusion it results that international law will efficiency the application of positive law being at least, an instrument of interpreting, and, on the other side, national law represents an exclusive means of transposing international regulation on a state plan.
Full Text: 47-54
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