Vol 7, No 2 (2011)

Table of Contents

European and International Law

The Europeanization of Public Administration through the General Principles of Good Administration 5-15
Vasilica Negrut

Administrative Sanctions and the Concept of “Criminal Charge”. Romanian Perspective in a Comparative Law Study 16-30
Elena-Mihaela Fodor

Participatory Democracy: Mechanism of Better Regulation in Europe 31-46
Neliana Rodean

The „Collateral Estoppel” Theory in International Law 47-54
Claudia Andritoi

Coordination of the Social Security Systems in the European Social Space 55-63
Radu Popescu

Re-Individualizing the Criminal Sanctions of Deprivation of Liberty in the European Union 64-77
Ion Rusu

Critical Study on “Mental Incapacity in International Criminal Court 78-86
Venus Ghareh Baghi

Torture as Jus Cogens Norm 87-98
Mirgen Prence

Legal and Administrative Intricacies of the Romanian Healthcare Policies in the Field of the Human Organs Transplants 99-124
Juanita Goicovici

Fiscal Sovereignty of Member States and Tax Harmonization on Mutual Assistance for the Recovery of Tax Claims 125-136
Arina Dragodan

Free Movement of Labor Force in the Schengen Area 137-146
George Măgureanu

Public Law

Reduction of Number of Degrees of Jurisdiction through the „Small Reform” 147-157
Anca-Lelia Lorincz

Law and Morals. Prolegomena (I) 158-173
Nicolae V. Dura

Considerations on Preventing and Combating the Illegal Trafficking of Minors under the Current Economic and Financial Crisis 174-183
Tache Bocaniala