The child in the Roma family is educated in the spirit of fraternity and mutual help, but alsoof responsibility for others. The principles underlying the education of children are linked to the factthat they are considered miniature adults, endowed from birth with will, desires, emotions andintelligence. To these inherent values is added purity, the only minus being their lack of experience. Inthe family, children are equal between siblings, no one has the right to feel superior to one another inrespect of one another. In a Roma family, the first notions of communication that the child acquires arein the Roma language. At the young age the negative influences of the environment are more easilyaccepted because the personality structure is more labile. The most important part of the daily programof the child who has become a schoolboy is the one spent in the classroom. It is essential for the overalldevelopment of the child. The essential adaptation to the school activities of the child in the first classconsists, in particular, in the mobilization of the processes and the psychic skills required by this newform of activity.