We present the psychosocial behavior of a 10-year-old girl who was diagnosed with type 1diabetes at the age of 5. It comes from an underprivileged family, having four older siblings and beingneglected by parents. Her mother left to work abroad and her father worked temporarily in the villagewhere they lived. Recently the father died. He arrived at the Emergency Clinic Hospital for GalatiChildren countless times, with a long history of hospitalizations. The girl took advantage of the diseaseto escape school and poverty at home. At the hospital she received hot food and befriended children ofher age. He refused to eat for a day, which deliberately caused him to be hospitalized and hospitalized.The girl is insulin dependent. When he met with the clinical psychologist he demonstrated emotionalimmaturity, lack of cooperation and showed no trace of regret that his father died. Meanwhile, themother agreed to let the child go to a placement center. After arriving at the placement center where hemade friends, the number of admissions decreased and the girl was no longer absent from school.