Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 8, No 2 (2018)
A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Education Systems in Bulgaria and Hungary
Hristina Sokolova
The paper presents an analysis of the structure and functions of modern education systemsin Bulgaria and Hungary. The analysis focuses on Geert Hofstede’s cultural orientations to explain thesimilarities and differences between both countries. Main research methods are literature review andobservation. Results show that educational systems present the main set of cultural values in Bulgariaand Hungary, where the main difference lies in the masculinity/femininity dimension. There is also anacute need of general cross-cultural training for both students and teachers because of the increasingnumber of foreigners settling in the countries. These results could be used for cross-cultural educationpractices and research in education studies. The paper presents a key topic in the development ofeducation systems in the Danube region.
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