Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 9, No 2 (2013)

Cross-Border Cooperation in the Context of Romania’s Accession to the Treaty of Prüm

Ioana-Minodora Rusu


The conducted research aims at critically examining the provisions of the Prüm Treaty, and therefore the proposal for the adoption of new provisions that would contribute to the improvement of the legislation in the field and increase the police and judicial cooperation. This paper is a continuation of previous research on topics related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the European Union. The conclusions and findings highlight the utility of the European normative act in this area and the need to supplement it with new provisions in order to broaden the jurisdiction of officials of another State on the territory of the host State in joint actions in order to prevent and combat the cross-border criminality and particularly terrorism. The paper can be helpful to both theoreticians and practitioners, and to all who wish to improve their knowledge in this highly complex area. The essential contribution of this study refers to the critical examination and the proposals for supplementing and amending the European and internal legislation in this area.


Full Text: 63-78


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